This posting is applicable to the Linux environment of the Synology NAS, but it is also available to most people who use the dockers.

1. Installation

Based on the Synology NAS, search the docker registry as Jupiter.

Docker - Registry - search for jupiter
Docker – Registry – search for jupiter

Double-click on the jupiter /datascience-notbook at the top to download.

 Image - jupiter double click - installation
Image – jupiter double click – installation

On the Images tab, double-click the downloaded image to start the installation. Installation details are as follows.

컨테이너 이름 설정
Set container name

Set the container name as desired and press “Advanced Settings”.

Advanced setting
Advanced settings

Advanced settings tab: Auto restart enable check
Volume: Set the desired shared folder and mount path: /home/jovyan/work/
Port settings: change local port to 8888
Environment: After adding the JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB variable, the value is yes

Most of them are the same as installing a Jupiter notebook. In order to use a Jupiter Lab, you must add the variables listed above to the variables.

NOTE: If the “work” folder is not visible on the Jupiter lab or Jupiter Notebook when the volume is mounted, it is likely that it is not a docker problem but a shared folder permission issue. In Control Panel – Groups – Settings, give Read/Write permissions to mounted folders to user groups to resolves this problem.

Let’s make sure that the 8888 port is port-forwarded on the router.

2. Initiate

Run the jupyter container, and then run it in the browser address
http://[IP or DNS]:8888

NOTE: If a docker is installed remotely like a NAS, you should write down the IP address of the remote site.

If the NAS has an IP of, the address will be

When you connect from the outside, you should use DDNS. If your NAS’s ddns is, you can connect to

Once connected, you will see the following window:

Tokens input and password settings
Tokens input and password settings

You can access with token only, but setting a password is somehow easy to use. Token can be found below.

Docker - Container - Double-click installed jupyter  - Strings after token=
Docker – Container – Double-click installed jupyter – Strings after token=

Dockers – Containers – double-click Installed jupiter and check the log. If you look closely at the log, you can see the text “token=” followed by the string “token” for connecting to the jupiter.

We’re ready to use! You can see Jupyter Lab after you set the new password.

 Jupiter Lab address and Jupiter Notebook address
Jupiter Lab address and Jupiter Notebook address

If you don’t use the Jupiter Lab and want to use the previous Jupiter notbook, you can delete the lab behind the address bar and enter the tree.

NOTE: There is no “logout” button yet in Jupiter Lab. If you only want to log out of the system, not shut down, you have to go to the Jupiter Notebook and press the Logout button.


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